发布时间:2023年05月17日 12:15 来源:中国新闻网

中欧国际工商学院经济学教授芮博澜(Dr. Bala Ramasamy)接受近日专访时称,美国一再遏制中国,是为了阻止中国飞速发展的势头,因为它担心中国对其造成“更大威胁”。
芮博澜提到,中美关系的走向取决于美国如何看待对华竞争,如果最终只为争个胜负,且不择手段,那就是恶性竞争。 (赵丽)
The reason why the U.S. is trying to contain China is to ensure that China does not grow as fast as what it had been in the past, said Bala Ramasamy, professor of Economics at China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS), during an interview with China News Network.
Professor Bala pointed out that China-U.S. relations also depends on how the U.S. looks at competition. “If competition is basically only about winning, and if it doesn’t matter how you win the game, then that competition may not be healthy,” he said.
未经允许不得转载:87头条 » 外国专家:美遏华政策源于其错误看待对华竞争