发布时间:2023年05月19日 15:44 来源:中国新闻网

哈萨克斯坦人文法律大学国际关系学副教授科尔博耶夫(Ikboljon Qoraboyev)接受近日专访时称,中哈两国的经贸关系于2022年达到新高度,未来经贸合作的趋势良好。他称中国成为了哈萨克斯坦制定经济发展和贸易政策过程中的重要考量。
Dr. Ikboljon Qoraboyev, Associate Professor of International Relations at Maqsut Narikbayev KAZGUU University, noted that the economic and trade relations between China and Kazakhstan reached new heights in 2022, with the bilateral trade volume of $30 billion. And the trend will continue in positive ways. Therefore, China has become an important focus in Kazakhstan’s economic and trade policy.
In addition, Qoraboyev mentioned that Kazakhstan strives to develop industrialization, modernization, knowledge economy, and digital economy. And China is one of the leading countries in these fields, so it would be beneficial for both countries to focus on strengthening cooperation in these areas.
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