新西兰人士:新中领导人会晤为双边关系注入新动力 | 世界观
发布时间:2023年06月28日 15:53 来源:中国新闻网

新西兰总理希普金斯(Chris Hipkins)近日率团访华,这是2019年以来,新西兰总理首次访华。作为新西兰最具有影响力的商业协会之一,新西兰雇主和制造商协会首席执行官欧百利(Brett O’Riley)接受近日专访时表示,新西兰总理此访恰逢其时,是新中两国和衷共济、展望未来的良机,将为两国经济、政治关系注入新动力。
欧百利进一步指出,新西兰派出了一支规模庞大的代表团,成员是来自多个领域的企业代表,此行的目的是吸引更多来自中国的投资。《中国-新西兰自由贸易协定》取得了显著成功,新西兰出口产品进行本土化改良 迎合中国大众口味。因此,他认为,新中两国领导人每次会晤都是互学互鉴、为双边关系注入新动力的机会。(赵丽)
Insights | New Zealand PM’s visit to China to renew bilateral relations: EMA CEO (ECNS) — New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins arrived in China with a trade delegation on Sunday, starting his first prime ministerial visit to China since 2019.“It’s a great opportunity for the leaders of the two countries to meet again, and for us to renew the business relationships and government relationships, and it’s a good opportunity to come together again and to look at the future,”said Brett O’Riley,chief executive of the Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA), New Zealand’s largest business association, during an interview with China News Network.
O’Riley pointed out that the large delegation representing businesses in a number of different areas visited China together this time, looking to attract more Chinese investment to New Zealand.He noted that the free trade agreement has been remarkably successful, and more New Zealand products are being tailored for Chinese consumers. He believes every time the two countries’leaders get together, it’s an opportunity to share knowledge and to renew old relationships.
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